Web Design & Marketing

Visual Communication and Design

Logos, Branding, and Web Design As a visual communication and design professional, I particularly love the way that the internet has enhanced, nurtured, and developed communication design for all kinds of businesses and organisations. It is my job to ensure that our clients are being heard and remembered, among the cacophony of competing messages everywhere


What is a Landing Page?

Landing Pages If you are using a home page as your landing page you are most likely losing valuable sales leads. The home page of your website is designed to be general purpose and explain what it is your business does, and why you do it so well. Imagine your home page is the shop


A Podcast Might be What You’re Looking for

Have you thought about Podcasting? A Podcast can transform your static web page and turn it into so much more. In fact, audio quality can often be the most neglected area of an otherwise professional web presence. Make your webinar sound as professional as the content Speech on the internet has to be clear, loud,


Choosing a Self-publishing Platform

Choosing a Self-publishing Platform Any writer who has made it to the end of a manuscript (and through the various edits) knows how hard it is to finish, however, there’s something waiting for you that’s even tougher than finishing that book – marketing and publishing it! Nevertheless, it’s not impossible and with self-publishing no longer


Five of the Best Websites Dedicated to Art and Museums

Five of the Best Websites Dedicated to Art and Museums We’ve compiled a list of the best museum and art websites on the planet to save you from trawling the internet for hours in search of a good dose of culture, or artistic inspiration. Despite the diversity of images, facts, and stories on offer, interactivity,


Disqus: the only commenting system worth contemplating

Why we recommend Disqus as our preferred commenting system: If you are running a blog or website and want your commenting system to be real-time, fast, effortless, and user-friendly, Disqus is the only plugin worth contemplating. Disqus is free and readily available on platforms like WordPress, and it’s a quick and painless process to replace


Why redesign your website?

Why redesign your website? Your website is not mobile responsive: More than half the web searches last year were done from tablets, Ipads, and mobile phones. The change from PCs and laptops to devices of all sorts and sizes means that your website must be functional and beautiful in many different formats. New technology: People