Brand and visual recognition
Images are a great communication tool that helps your message and ideas get across to a targeted readership. Relevant imagery helps your audience retain and recall your messaging and draws them back subconsciously for more information from you.
What type of imagery?
Studies have proven that content with imagery outperforms content without imagery by 4.4 times.
So where should we grab our images from? Definitely not from stock photography if we can help it. People prefer customised photography or images they can relate to. You will get up to 20% more clicks and 150% more retweets on Twitter with relevant imagery.
Facebook users prefer photography and are 87% more likely to engage with posts that have more photos. Client engagement is even better with video updates and photo-heavy albums.
How we can help
We understand the importance of growing customer engagement through poignant images and video content. We have a range of photographers at our fingertips including an aerial drone photographer. We can put you in touch with an event photographer and an architectural/landscape photographer for great images to boost your social media campaign.
There are always advantages to engaging a professional photographer for your social media marketing campaign. We have written an article covering three good reasons Why You Need a Professional Photographer.
We are a social media agency that believes in social media marketing. It is by far the cheapest form of marketing with potentially the furthest reach. The return on your investment will give you plenty of bang for your buck.
If you have any questions about your social media marketing campaign, don’t hesitate to contact us.