What is a learning management system (LMS)?
If you have a course, you would like to deliver online then you need look no further than adopting a Learning Management System (LMS). Including LMS software in your site adds corporate eLearning delivery, custom designed to address deficiencies in training and information dissemination.
An LMS can be as simple or as complex a delivery system as you need it to be. Your content can be presented as a video, audio, documents, downloads, slide shows, and interactive tests. You can also test and assess your students on the completion of modules with questionnaires or include a final exam.
The advantages of an LMS
The LMS allows you to administer your training course, collect fees, support your learners, develop course material and design its delivery. People from all over the globe can sign up for your course if they have access to the internet.
Your course or training module can be as customised as you like and because it’s online, it is accessible around the clock. The course material can be delivered infinite times or rewritten to freshen it up.
With an LMS you can have multiple contributors to the learning modules. Instructors and teachers can be allocated a percentage of the earnings according to the amount of material they have provided and if courses have a face time forum component, they can earn income from this too.
Your course can have its own website or be integrated into your existing one.
Internal Organisation LMS
If you need to keep employees up to date with compliance regulations and internal administration changes, a workplace LMS is a simple and affordable method of delivery.
If you have onboarding courses for new staff, your organisation can disseminate company information such as policy and procedures and OH&S training. Your simple internal LMS can teach new employees how to download and fill documents for superannuation, sick pay, and leave entitlements.
If staff need training to operate equipment remotely or they are part of a sales team and need to access a company course material while on the road, LMSs are the most efficient platform for delivery.
The best thing is that you can keep your courses up to date and new policy and training information can be distributed among the staff on a needs basis. All this simplicity without the expense of sending staff on external training courses.
Come to us for your Learning Management System
There are many Learning Management Systems on the market, and we have test-driven plenty of them. We have selected the platforms that work for our clients and have built several good online courses. We prefer easy-to-use content management systems so our clients can independently maintain their online courses with minimal technical support from us.
The platforms we have chosen affiliate seamlessly with eCommerce software such as PayPal and Stripe. This makes it incredibly simple for transactions, bypassing extra web development on our part to get payment systems to work properly.
Malignant Hyperthermia (MH)
Malignant Hyperthermia (MH) is a rare life-threatening condition that is usually triggered by exposure to certain drugs used in general anaesthesia. The Anaesthetics Department of the Royal Melbourne Hospital thought this issue was important enough to have a specific site dedicated to providing a focused course with quizzes to update medical staff knowledge of this rare condition.
We developed an LMS to be completed in short modules. The portal allows users to navigate through the modules to complete a two-hour short course. The system is designed so users can sign up and complete the course without involvement from admin staff. Once a module has been completed, certificates are automatically issued, stating the modules concluded.
Included in the short course are certificates of completion issued for each module and downloadable, quick-read task cards for medical staff conducting surgery. Members of the public who suffer from MH can do the course and access a resource kit.
Tiny House University
Our clients Shannon and Fred Shultz from Fred’s Tiny Houses is Australia’s pioneer tiny home builder, ranking in the top five of experts in the world. His workshops are incredibly popular and book out within days. He is in high demand without enough hours in a day to deliver his tiny home revolution across the country. Realising this leaves potential participants very disappointed; Fred needed a solution to continue helping people build their dream homes; and also to stop their business from going elsewhere.
So, we came to the rescue with the Tiny House University, a highly functional 12-unit course with helpful quizzes that can be completed at customer’s own pace. With Fred and Shannon’s knowledge and our web development expertise, we collaboratively built a course specifically designed for DIY builders, inexperienced or professional. Modules include how to build for the hot Australian climate, trailer regulations, building techniques, and local Council regulations around tiny house occupancy.