Managing Users in WordPress

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Adding, removing and managing users in WordPress

Manage your blog users from the WordPress admin area Users section.

To add a new user, click the Add New button and fill in the username, first and last name, email and password, then choose a role and click Add User. The following roles are available in WordPress:

  • Administrator – can access all administration features
  • Subscriber – can access his/her personal profile
  • Editor – can publish and manage posts and pages as well as manage other users’ posts
  • Author – can publish and manage his/her posts
  • Contributor – can write and manage his/her posts but cannot publish

Hover over the name of an existing user to edit. An “Edit” link will appear: you can change user details and roles in this field.

If you want to delete one or more users, select them and choose Delete from the Bulk Actions drop down menu. There is also an option in the drop down menu called “Change role to…” which allows you to change the roles of multiple users.

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October 17, 2022,

Rob Jennings

When he found himself in a business conversation with someone talking about their ‘customer-centric core competencies’ he realised it was time to create a digital agency that was less about self-promoting buzz-words and more about the practical endeavour to assist clients in making effective use of the web.