Have you thought about Podcasting?

A Podcast can transform your static web page and turn it into so much more. In fact, audio quality can often be the most neglected area of an otherwise professional web presence.
Make your webinar sound as professional as the content
Speech on the internet has to be clear, loud, and consistent. A poor podcast simply distracts from the message being conveyed; and if people can’t hear you properly, they’ll simply head to a competitor’s website for better, clearer, and more easily understood information.
Most computers these days come with a built-in recording device that runs alongside a webcam, yet often the quality leaves a lot to be desired. If you’re publishing regular videos and uploading them to your website it is well worth getting Scott Sanders in for a consultation to ensure your audio is set up properly from the start.
Broadcast-quality Audio
Do you have a blog? Why not podcast it, with radio broadcast-quality audio? With today’s iPhone / Android prevalence, an entertaining and quality podcast makes your blog available wherever your clients are, whether driving, on the train, or even at home relaxing in the garden. At We Push Buttons, we can ensure that you’re given the best advice on software solutions, and hardware to suit your budget and even teach you how to upload your audio files to your blog or website to give your business maximum exposure.
Why not offer an audio transcript for instructions, blogs, highlights, specials & manuals on your website?
Different people learn differently – some visually, some auditory. The internet is mainly visual but you can avoid alienating your potential clients with an audio version of important messages. These days, most websites use video to successfully sell and review products- why not create a podcast that stands out from the crowd?
A personal message from your company
Recording a personal message helps to remind prospective clients that there are real people behind the computer screen. A human voice also increases the chance that your message will be remembered and reinforces the visual information on your site.
Reinforcement of important guarantees, subscriptions, and messages
Why not reinforce screen messages with a recorded message? For example, after a client enters their details to join your mailing list, play the recorded message thanking them and reminding them to check their email to confirm their subscription.
Other in-depth articles on audio podcasting
- WP Curve: Beginners Guide to Audio Podcasting
- Pat Flyn: Advanced Podcasting Tutorial
- Fast Company: The Rise of Profitable podcasting
- Voice.com: Podcasting set-up
- Smashing Magazine: How to launch your Podcast
Need some more music in your life? From simple background music to full-featured podcasting, music can subconsciously set the mood to reinforce your image online.
If you feel creating some audio or setting up a podcast could be a great way to connect with new customers, why not get in touch with We Push Buttons?