Using PPC in your small business
I’m asked quite frequently how to use programs such as AdWords, in particular, how to take advantage of everything PPC programs like these have to offer. Due to the high volume of inquiries on the subject, I wanted to share this blog with all the small business owners out there, not only to answer your questions but also to help you to use AdWords to its full potential. In fact, even if your business doesn’t have a strong presence online, these few hints may be of assistance.
Traffic and Leads with PPC
As you may already be aware, AdWords draws traffic to your business or the business’ site that you run, almost instantaneously. In terms of local searches, AdWords can outrank the use of SEO, due to the fact that local listings, along with maps and ads, are located at the top of the screen, above the top-ranked search results.
When you combine a lot of complimentary reviews with a well-known Google Places listing, the result is a forceful existence on a search engine’s results page. Contrary to the complicated keyword selection implemented by national campaigns, the local markets don’t need a plethora of medium- to long-tail keywords. Therefore, when you target your specific location—either by metro area or by city—you will have the opportunity to bid on short-tail words that are more generalized. In return for the strategy you use, Google will present you with the exact search results that led to your ads. Apply these words to your AdWords account, so you can optimize for SEO based on the terms. Of course, you’ll still need to provide relevant content for your pages that receive traffic from this technique.
Testing Your PPC Ad
AdWords has another option that works, even if you have a low local search volume that limits the number of new leads. It allows you to split test your ad copy, in order to find the best one for your TV scripts, yellow page listing, or print ads. Often, one ad will outperform the other, sometimes up to five times as much. Consider the influence this performance could have on other advertising platforms. Keep in mind, testing ads is not possible on some other types of advertising the way it is with AdWords.
Unlike a majority of the offline media that interrupts radio and television, AdWords uses The Display Network. One benefit of this is that it produces about 10 times the amount of traffic as opposed to a search. Additionally, these clicks cost roughly half the price of clicks generated from a search. This makes the Display Network an ideal area for messages and offers. Calls to action for offline media are also found here.
As a Remarketing Tool
Google might try to keep its remarketing feature on AdWords a secret, but we’re on to them. If you’re unsure what remarketing is, it’s a powerful tool that makes an ad “follow” a person while he or she is on the Internet. Basically, when you visit a website, Google will place a cookie on your computer specifically for remarketing. Anytime you visit a website that is affiliated with the AdSense Network, Google will check your cookies. From this information, Google will identify ads that may appeal to you based on the types of sites you’ve visited.
When you use remarketing, this can change the image of your business. It can make your business appear to be a much larger corporation or brand, even if you have a restricted budget of a few hundred dollars each month and aren’t a multi-million dollar corporation. This occurs because you’re only ever-present to the people who have already visited the site, and to whom Google has remarketed you.
This technique works especially well when the ad for your local business is found on reputable sites. Think about your customers seeing your ad on a site such as The Sydney Morning Herald.
What’s even better is that you’ll appear on reputable sites without you having to pay the cost to advertise there.
If you really want to remarket to work for you, the next time you receive an inbound call, direct the prospective customer to your website. Guide them to your price list or any other page that will assist in educating the potential client and sealing the deal.
Insert the remarketing code on the page you’re guiding the client to. Now your ad will chase your prospective client on the web. This method makes it hard to be a forgettable contender. Rather than being forgettable, your name will stick with them, and you will be a more dominant player in the game.
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If you have any further questions, you’d like to add something, or even if you just want to make a general comment, please use the comments box below.