Proud to Win a Business Award!

Mount Alexander Business Awards 2017
We Push Buttons is pretty chuffed that we are joint winners of the Professional Services Award in the Mount Alexander Business Awards for 2017. The judges found this category a tough one so we shared the award with another great local business, Healing Well.
We heard from a bevy of great speakers on the night and enjoyed the abundant catering from Growing Abundance and Welshman’s Reef Winery. Three-piece band, Mood Swing kept the entertainment coming with contemporary jazz tunes.
The staff at We Push Buttons were very proud of the boss, Rob who keeps this business growing from strength to strength with the energy of 10 people. A fantastic leader and role model, Rob’s dedication to our town, local people, business, and the arts is something we are all proud of. The quality of work he demands from us while embracing the diverse human element in each of us creates a dynamic and dedicated team.
An award well deserved!
We Push Buttons would like to thank the judges Lisa Rundell of Lost Trades Fair and Tomahawk Marketing + PR, Jason and Belinda Hagan of McIvor Farm Foods, and Frances Macdonald and Paul Goudie from Regional Development Victoria.