First Nations Heritage Protection Alliance

Protecting First Nation's Cultural Heritage

Cultural Heritage

The First Nations Heritage Protection Alliance is a coalition of member organisations representing First Nations Peoples from across Australia, including major Native Title, Land Rights, Traditional Owner, and community-controlled organisations nationally. We Push Buttons were tasked with developing a resources platform for the First Nations Alliance where key stakeholders such as government, land owners, mining companies & First Nation organisations can access the latest news, resources, videos and events relevant to protecting Cultural Heritage.

The Brief

The website has one aim, to inform and affect change so Australia starts protecting First Nations Cultural Heritage. The destruction of the 46,000-year-old Juukan Caves by Rio Tinto horrified the world but was not an isolated occurrence nor was it illegal.

Web Development

We were tasked with developing a website that could be managed 100% by the team from FNHPA as content is constantly evolving with news & resources being updated each week. We developed an advanced search system to better manage resources, host videos, audio and a large range of PDFs as well as news items, legislation & media mentions. There is also an event calendar for workshops and conferences, connections to all members, community campaigns, business & investor portal as well as a constantly evolving media centre.

Resources Hub

The Cultural Heritage Resources hub features a range of publications including the latest Commonwealth Legislation, International Conventions, resources for Investors and reports & inquiries.

Protect Cultural Heritage

We urge and invite people from all backgrounds and all sections of Australian society to gather and support our call to collectively celebrate and protect Australia’s cultural heritage.