Book Copyright
These days due to the huge e-book movement people are self-publishing more than ever, but that doesn’t mean you don’t need to think about book copyright.
Australian Copyright law is enshrined in law by the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth). There are a whole variety of international treaties that ensure copyright is valid in most other countries. I have read several times that a copyright notice is not necessary at the end of copyrighted pieces but it does notify people that your work is protected and that you are the author.
As an example © Robin Jennings 2011 might be used at the end of this post.
A very detailed article on the Myths of Copyright can be read here (thanks Plagiarism Today).
Below I have included a standard Book Copyright Template that has been used in books the world over for as long as you and I have been around. Please understand this is simply a template and legal and/or expert publishing advice should be sort when you are planning to publish a manuscript.
For more in-depth details regarding copyright here are some resources that are far more qualified than I am.
- US Government Copyright Website.
- Australian Copyright Council- Information & Advice on Copyright based in Australia
- Wikipedia- Copyright Information- In-depth Highly Technical
Free Book Copyright Template
(simply copy & paste)
Copyright © [Author first name] [Author family name], [Year]
First published [Year the book was first published]
Published by [Publisher]
Email: [youremailaddress@yourcarrier.com] Ensure that this email address is one you will have long-term!
Phone: [Telephone number] Fax: [Fax number if applicable]
URL: http://www.yourwebsite.com
All rights reserved. Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a database and retrieval system or transmitted in any form or any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of both the owner of the copyright and the above publishers.
Original illustrations/ Photographs by [Name of Artist/ Illustrator/ Photographer]
Printed by [Name of Printer]
[Title of Book]
[Author surname], [Authors first name]
ISBN [ISBN number]
An ISBN no. stands for International Standard Book Number.
This is a way to ensure every book published throughout the world has an individual number to make cataloging easier.
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