Building a health directory into your practitioner website will boost your site’s credentials and help your clients find the right therapist close to where they live and work. Adding a health directory to your site doesn’t have to be costly. WordPress has easy to use, ready-made plugins to give your directory a professional look that will fit seamlessly into your website.
What’s in a health directory?
A health directory could be as simple as listing practitioner contact details, areas of practice and expertise with an accompanying headshot. You can also set up a telephone and email protocol handler with CSS. this means that when a client clicks the telephone or email link in the directory, their email browser will open up and auto-fill the address and the phone number will appear on their mobile for a “tap to call”.
Define your niche
It’s a matter of defining your niche health practice and providing a health directory with links to relevant professionals in your area of expertise. If you want to broaden the demographic reach of your website beyond your location, it would be important to include links to practitioners nationally and if necessary, internationally.
Boost your traffic
A health directory adds extra convenience for your clients and keeps them coming back to your site for updated information. The subsequent boost in traffic to your website enhances your online presence in search engines like Google. You will find your website will gain authority and move up in rank on search engine pages. For extra income, you can also charge a small fee to the practitioners who would like their listing to feature on your health directory.