Arts Open 2018
It’s on again! Arts Open is a biennial event held in Castlemaine and the surrounding towns and districts. Artists open their studio doors to the public for two weekends of the year, which includes the Labour Day long weekend, to reveal their workspaces, and talk through their ideas and their processes. I have been to each Arts Open since its inception and I am always amazed at the generosity of the artists, sharing something of themselves, and receiving visitors with open arms into their private workspaces.
Members of the public have the opportunity to purchase art directly from the maker plus attend a number of exhibitions and events during the festival. It’s a mutually wonderful opportunity for the locals and visitors alike.
We Push Buttons is proud to have been involved with Arts Open from its beginnings. We have liaised with the artists and organisers to put together the program of events and spent many hours constructing the website. We have used our expertise to secure funding, and we’ve run a pretty far-reaching publicity campaign on a really tight budget. Rob has even rolled out of bed at 5.30 am to get on top of last-minute publicity opportunities. And, to honk our horn a little louder, one of our kids is helping out with the catering at the big launch party on Friday night.
We love working with Arts Open and artists in general, they are a strong part of our cultural life in this small region of Victoria.