Visual Arts Festival: Arts Open 2012
Well, it’s been a busy few months for the We Push Buttons team, with web design and community events involvement, building to a crescendo in the last couple of weeks as we have been preparing for the upcoming launch of our latest project – the Arts Open Festival of Open Studios.
What is Arts Open you say?
Arts Open is an arts-based festival incorporating over 50 artists and revolves around a self-guided tour of art spaces, studios, and galleries. Participants are able to download a map or pick one up from the Castlemaine Information Centre or participating venues, then make their way at their own leisure to some or all venues.
Arts Open is the brainchild of some very prominent Castlemaine-based artists who were becoming frustrated by inaccessibility and lack of information about the art and artists based around this well-known art community. They wanted a format that could be easily accessed by the community and tourists and executed with ease by the participating artists. And so Art Open was born.
Arts open kicks off on Anzac day, April 25th with some participants opening their doors, and the remainder following suit on Thursday 26th April, and will run through to Sunday 29th April, so there is plenty of time to get around to everyone.
There are various music and entertainment events running throughout the extended weekend so taking a look at our Arts and Culture page on the official Arts Open Website will help you to better plan your weekend.
The making of this website and helping with the organizing of this event has been a truly enjoyable and rewarding project and has enabled the We Push Buttons team to work with and get to know some remarkable and esteemed members of the community and has hopefully helped to cement us in the fabric of this remarkable town and inspiring art community.