Posting to WordPress via Email

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You need a valid email account to set up Post via Email functionality. You can create one via the cPanel > Email Accounts tool, and then add your new email account to your WordPress site by logging in to your WordPress admin area.

Go to Settings > Writing. Enter the necessary details under Post via Email:
Mail Server: (if your email account is with a hosted site, you can use the hostname of the server as Mail server, i.e. ‘’)
Port: 110 (the service requires POP3 access for the email account)
Login Name:
For example:
Mail Server:
Port: 110
Login Name:
Password: MyOwnP@ssworD
Once you are done, visit the corresponding URL for your WordPress installation to ensure the posts/articles sent to the above email address are parsed. The URL is of type:
Where: – is your actual domain name
WordPress – is the path to your WordPress installation.
So, if we use the domain name in the above example and the WordPress installation is under directory blog:

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October 17, 2022,

Rob Jennings

When he found himself in a business conversation with someone talking about their ‘customer-centric core competencies’ he realised it was time to create a digital agency that was less about self-promoting buzz-words and more about the practical endeavour to assist clients in making effective use of the web.